Install Pass

Pass is a commandline tool to manage encrypted passwords.
"Pass makes managing individual password files extremely easy. All passwords live in ~/.password-store, and pass provides some nice commands for adding, editing, generating, and retrieving passwords. It is a very short and simple shell script. It's capable of temporarily putting passwords on your clipboard and tracking password changes using git.
With pass, each password lives inside of a gpg encrypted file whose filename is the title of the website or resource that requires the password. These encrypted files may be organized into meaningful folder hierarchies, copied from computer to computer, and, in general, manipulated using standard command line file management utilities."
Pass has really good documentation available
Ref | Link |
1 | password store |
2 | definitive guide to password |
3 | gopass - go version |
GPG Configuration
Pass uses GPG, make sure this is installed on your host device
Generate a GPG key for the password
- Need to remember the password used for GPG as this will be used to access the password-store
1gpg --full-gen-key
Note: the following example config:
- Key Size (3072)
- Key lifespan (0) i.e. does not expire
Git Configuration
Pass uses Git, make sure this is installed on your host device
Initialise git username
1git config --global “github username”
Initialise git email address
Set up the email address
1git config --global “github email address”
Pass Configuration
Install the package
1sudo apt install -y pass
Initialise the password-store (use the email address associated with the gpg key i.e.
gpg -k
)1pass init [email address]
Initialise git repo for password-store
1pass git init
General Usage
Insert a Secret
- Insert a password e.g. store a password token with the name github
1pass insert github
NOTE: When prompted for a password - add the password/secret to be stored
Retrieve a Secret to the Terminal
- Retrieve a secret from the command line
1pass github
Retrieve a Secret to the Clipboard
- Retrieve a secret to the clipboard
1pass -c github
Delete an existing Secret
- Delete an existing secret
1pass rm github
Optional: ChromeOS Clipboard
NOTE: ChromeOS v1.29 supports Pass clipboard!! Only do this step if you use ChromeOS the standard clipboard method doesnt work. The following section shows you how to replace this with an alternative method that is compatible with ChromeOS buffer capture.
Edit the bash file /usr/bin/pass On ChromeOS the clipboard wont allow xclip to copy content.
1sudo vi /usr/bin/pass
Rename the exisiting clip function to clip2()
1clip2() { 2 # This base64 business is because bash cannot store binary data in a shell 3 # variable. Specifically, it cannot store nulls nor (non-trivally) store 4 # trailing new lines. 5 local sleep_argv0="password store sleep on display $DISPLAY" 6 pkill -f "^$sleep_argv0" 2>/dev/null && sleep 0.5 7 local before="$(xclip -o -selection "$X_SELECTION" 2>/dev/null | $BASE64)" 8 echo -n "$1" | xclip -selection "$X_SELECTION" || die "Error: Could not copy data to the clipboard" 9 ( 10 ( exec -a "$sleep_argv0" bash <<<"trap 'kill %1' TERM; sleep '$CLIP_TIME' & wait" ) 11 local now="$(xclip -o -selection "$X_SELECTION" | $BASE64)" 12 [[ $now != $(echo -n "$1" | $BASE64) ]] && before="$now" 13 14 # It might be nice to programatically check to see if klipper exists, 15 # as well as checking for other common clipboard managers. But for now, 16 # this works fine -- if qdbus isn't there or if klipper isn't running, 17 # this essentially becomes a no-op. 18 # 19 # Clipboard managers frequently write their history out in plaintext, 20 # so we axe it here: 21 qdbus org.kde.klipper /klipper org.kde.klipper.klipper.clearClipboardHistory &>/dev/null 22 23 echo "$before" | $BASE64 -d | xclip -selection "$X_SELECTION" 24 ) >/dev/null 2>&1 & disown 25 echo "Copied $2 to clipboard. Will clear in $CLIP_TIME seconds." 26}
Add the following code as a new clip function
1clip() { 2 # input=$( cat "$@" ) 3 input=$( echo "$1" ) 4 input() { printf %s "$input" ;} 5 known() { command -v "$1" >/dev/null ;} 6 maybe() { known "$1" && input | "$@" ;} 7 alive() { known "$1" && "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 ;} 8 9 # copy to tmux 10 test -n "$TMUX" && maybe tmux load-buffer - 11 12 # copy via X11 13 test -n "$DISPLAY" && alive xhost && { 14 maybe xsel -i -b || maybe xclip -sel c 15 } 16 17 # copy via OSC 52 18 printf_escape() { 19 esc=$1 20 # test -n "$TMUX" -o -z "${TERM##screen*}" && esc="\033Ptmux;\033$esc\033\\" 21 test -n "$TMUX" -o -z "${TERM##screen*}" && esc="\033P;\033$esc\033\\" 22 printf "$esc" 23 } 24 25 len=$( input | wc -c ) 26 max=74994 27 test $len -gt $max && echo "$0: input is $(( len - max )) bytes too long" >&2 28 printf_escape "\033]52;c;$( input | head -c $max | base64 | tr -d '\r\n' )\a" 29}
Quit Vi Press the Esc key. Then enter