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Rich Rose:left Rich loves building things in the cloud and tinkering with different technologies. Lately this involves either Kubernetes or Serverless. Based in the UK, he enjoys attending (Ya remember that!) technical conferences and speaking to other people about new technologies.

When he's not working, he likes spending time with his family, playing the guitar and riding his mountain bike. Having now discovered podcasts, he is making a news years resolution to consume more content and try and get through a book a month.

To improve his development skills he has also started writing smaller utility applications to simplify the more repetitive tasks e.g.

  • image manipulation
  • text manipulation
  • studying for certifications

Flutter and Dart Cookbook

Rich is the Author of Flutter and Dart Cookbook.

The cookbook shows you how to:

  • Write effective Dart code by using variables and data structures
  • Build applications with Flutter by exploring widgets and data handling
  • Understand cloud provider solutions and learn how to integrate them with Flutter
  • Manage data through APIs using Google Cloud Serverless
  • Work with Firebase solutions such as Authentication and the Cloud Firestore database
  • Build web applications that also work with mobile and desktop platforms

Hands-On Serverless Computing with Google Cloud

Rich is also the Author of Hands-On Serverless Computing with Google Cloud.

In the book you learn about all the cool Google Serverless toys i.e. AppEngine, Cloud Functions and Cloud Run.

Icon Product Use case
:inline App Engine Fully Managed serverless platform for developing and hosting web applications at scale.
:inline Cloud Functions Scalable PAYG functions (FAAS)
:inline Cloud Run Fully managed compute platform for deploying containerized workloads

Available at all good bookstores

Cover Publication Date Publisher Pages Repo
:inline January 2023 OReilly 292 Link
:inline February 2020 Packt 320 Link

You can connect with him via the social media links at the top right of the page.