Blogging with Hugo

Blogging is a really good way to make notes on the things you have learned over the years. Previously I used Wordpress to capture my notes but I found it quite cumbersome.
More recently I became aware of Hugo and decided to give it a try (spoilers this site is the result).
Hugo is a really amazing piece of software that enables you to generate a static site
A static site is perfect for a blog, and quickly getting up and running with a local site can be done in a matter of minutes.
Hugo Installation
Hugo is a Go application that supports a wide range of operating systems. This post is based on a Linux host installation.
Two versions exist
- hugo_${version}_Linux-64bit.deb - does not include support for
- hugo_extended_${version}_Linux-64bit.deb - does include support for
Select the version required. NOTE: themes typically require scss
- Set the Version based on the available Hugo packages
- Install the latest version of Hugo on Linux distribution
- Install the package
1sudo dpkg -i hugo_${version}_linux-amd64.deb
1sudo dpkg -i hugo_extended_${version}_linux-amd64.deb
- Validate the Hugo version
1hugo version
Generating a site
Hugo supports site generation. A site contains the blog posts and themes that are displayed when accessed.
- Create a new site with Hugo, for example
1hugo new site roselabs-blog
- The following directory structure is now available
2└── roselabs-blog
3 ├── archetypes
4 ├── config.toml
5 ├── content
6 ├── data
7 ├── layouts
8 ├── resources
9 ├── static
10 └── themes
- Change the current directory to
1cd roselabs-blog
- Generate a blog post
Making a blog post is simple with Hugo:
1hugo new posts/
- A generated blog post will look similar to the following:
2title: "Roselabs First Post"
3date: 2021-03-15T14:55:04Z
4draft: true
- title: is taken from the hugo command
- date: is set to the time the post was generated
- draft:
means is will only show in development mode. A setting offalse
is required for production
Add a theme
Hugo has many themes available. Themes provide a way to enhance the visual aspect of a blog.
- Add the
theme to the themes directory
1git clone themes/ananke
Note: you can also use a git submodule if you have committed your blog to a Repo i.e.
- git submodule add themes/ananke
- Update the site configuration (i.e. config.toml) to point to the theme
1echo 'theme="ananke"' >> config.toml
NOTE: You may also want to amend the site title. In which case edit the config.toml to adjust the content as necessary.
Run a local static site
Once all the configuration has been performed its time to generate the static site. Fortunately Hugo enables testing by running a local server
- Run hugo to render the intial static site
1hugo server -D -p 8080
A bit more about the above command
show draft content (i.e posts with true status)-p 8080
run the server onlocalhost:8080
- If you make a change to the blog post (while the server is running) it is automatically rendered in the live blog
Generate a static site
In addition to running a localsite, Hugo can also generate a static site.
- Generate a static site
- The result is a new
folder containing the latest version of the site
2├── archetypes
3├── config.toml
4├── content
5├── data
6├── layouts
7├── public
8├── resources
9├── static
10└── themes
General Configuration
A couple of things to note:
- You dont have to use git submodule for themes. Not using a submodule simplifies deployment where a clone of the repo is required.
- You dont have to use signed content. Not using signed content (e.g. css/js) means I have less cache related issues.