Cobra Command Line using Go

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The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive.
In the following blog post I assume you already have the Go environment setup. Previously we have created a Hello World application. The next step is to create a command line application. The example below covers the basics of using Cobra

Go Installation

  1. Confirm Go is installed
1go version

If it is not installed check out a previous post to install Go in Linux

Development setup

With go already installed, the setup requires a couple more steps

  • Create a directory for your code
  • Initialise the location where the module can be found
  1. Make the go home directory

    1mkdir -p ~/hello_cobra && cd hello_cobra
  2. Initialise the hello directory

1go mod init
  1. The directory should now look like this:
2└── go.mod

Install Cobra

  1. We can use Go to download and build a local Cobra binary
1go get -u
  1. The binary for Cobra will now be available in the Go bin path.

  2. The directory should now look like this:

2├── go.mod
3└── go.sum

Integrate Cobra

  1. Add Cobra to the existing app
1cobra init
  1. The directory should now look like this:
2├── cmd
3│   └── root.go
4├── go.mod
5├── go.sum
7└── main.go
  1. Build the application
1go build
  1. The build command will produce an application based on the folder name

  2. Run the code hello application

  1. The application output should be as per below:
1A longer description that spans multiple lines and likely contains
2examples and usage of using your application. For example:
4Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications.
5This application is a tool to generate the needed files
6to quickly create a Cobra application.