Fish on Cloudshell

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Fish is described as a smart and user-friendly command shell. As you would expect it works on Linux and is super useful to get that optimized experience. The blog post covers installation on GCP Cloud Shell I would expect the installation process to be similar on any Linux based machine.

If you want to use oh-my-bash, read a previous post on using Cloud Shell with oh-my-bash

You are good to go!


  1. Open Cloud Shell in the Google Cloud console
  2. Install the Fish package by typing:
1sudo apt install fish
  1. Once installed, at the command line type:

Nice you are now using the fish application in Cloud Shell

Useful command prompt

Fish configuration is performed using a web portal. Running the configuration app uses Port 8000.
Unfortunately this doesnt appear to work in Cloud Shell. However just need the generated files.

The following function provides a basic prompt for git

  1. Make a new subdirectory
1mkdir -p ~.config/fish/functions
  1. Add the above function to ~/.config/fish/functions/
 1function fish_prompt
 2        set -l __last_command_exit_status $status
 4    if not set -q -g __fish_robbyrussell_functions_defined
 5        set -g __fish_robbyrussell_functions_defined
 6        function _git_branch_name
 7            set -l branch (git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD 2>/dev/null)
 8            if set -q branch[1]
 9                echo (string replace -r '^refs/heads/' '' $branch)
10            else
11                echo (git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)
12            end
13        end
15        function _is_git_dirty
16            echo (git status -s --ignore-submodules=dirty 2>/dev/null)
17        end
19        function _is_git_repo
20            type -q git
21            or return 1
22            git rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>&1
23        end
25        function _hg_branch_name
26            echo (hg branch 2>/dev/null)
27        end
29        function _is_hg_dirty
30            echo (hg status -mard 2>/dev/null)
31        end
33        function _is_hg_repo
34            fish_print_hg_root >/dev/null
35        end
37        function _repo_branch_name
38            _$argv[1]_branch_name
39        end
41        function _is_repo_dirty
42            _is_$argv[1]_dirty
43        end
45        function _repo_type
46            if _is_hg_repo
47                echo 'hg'
48                return 0
49            else if _is_git_repo
50                echo 'git'
51                return 0
52            end
53            return 1
54        end
55    end
57    set -l cyan (set_color -o cyan)
58    set -l yellow (set_color -o yellow)
59    set -l red (set_color -o red)
60    set -l green (set_color -o green)
61    set -l blue (set_color -o blue)
62    set -l normal (set_color normal)
64    set -l arrow_color "$green"
65    if test $__last_command_exit_status != 0
66        set arrow_color "$red"
67    end
69    set -l arrow "$arrow_color➜ "
70    if test "$USER" = 'root'
71        set arrow "$arrow_color# "
72    end
74    set -l cwd $cyan(basename (prompt_pwd))
76    if set -l repo_type (_repo_type)
77        set -l repo_branch $red(_repo_branch_name $repo_type)
78        set repo_info "$blue $repo_type:($repo_branch$blue)"
80        if [ (_is_repo_dirty $repo_type) ]
81            set -l dirty "$yellow ✗"
82            set repo_info "$repo_info$dirty"
83        end
84    end
86    echo -n -s $arrow ' '$cwd $repo_info $normal ' '

Other settings

If you want to generate other functions/settings, try running fish on your local machine to grab the config.

  1. The command to use is:
  1. Open the browser e.g. http://localhost:8000
  2. Select the configuration options required
  3. Add the generated file(s) across to Cloud Shell.